What Do You Want To Achieve - You Must Know This To Create The Life You Want
Hi this is Christian Baker from christianbaker.net and The Achieve Podcast, sharing inspiration, motivation and encouragement, to help you to think differently, to develop your mindset, so that you believe in yourself more, take purposeful action and achieve the life and the goals that you want, and simply be the best that you can be.
To create and achieve the life you want there's something you must do first!
The first thing you have to do if you want to achieve anything is,
You must decide what you want!
You must first choose, decide and get clear on what it is that you actually want to achieve.
Like I said, this might sound obvious, but human nature is that we often default to thinking and talking about the things that we don't want.
But if you keep doing that, you're just going to repeat and get more of the same.
The mind's very powerful, we get more of what we think about, we get more of what we focus on.
So, if our focus is towards the things that you don't want, then there's no surprise, that you keep getting more of the same.
To achieve anything you must first choose, decide, and get clear on what it is that you actually want.
Now it's your turn, take a couple of moments today, get pen and paper, get your journal out, or just give it some thought. If you could wave a magic wand, if you had a magic lamp with your very own genie, if you could design, create and achieve the life that you want for yourself and those significant people in your life, what is it that you would actually like to accomplish?
Write your goals down, create a vision board, create some affirmations, do whatever works best for you, that helps you to get clear on what you want and helps keep it front and fresh of mind, and then review and reflect your goals, your vision board, to remind yourself and keep your focus on it.
This helps focus, train and inform your mind what it is that you want.
When your mind knows what it is that you want, it will help support you in making it happen.
To achieve anything, you must first get clear on what it is that you want and then you can take actions, deliberate purposeful action that will help move you towards making it happen!
So, if you want to achieve anything, if you want to accomplish anything, if you want to enjoy anything in your life, you first must choose what is that you want to accomplish, otherwise how else can you make it happen?
It sounds simple and obvious, but make sure you don't overlook this fundamental step.
But if you don’t know what you want, how can develop your mindset to support you in making it happen!
Action Step - Take some time out, to think, picture, imagine, to wonder and get playful, for what it is that you would like to achieve and accomplish in your life?
I'd love to hear what you are looking forward to achieving next, so please get in touch, leave a comment and let me know what it is that you're looking forward to achieving in your life.
And remember what your mind believes you will achieve, so think, differently believe in yourself, take action, and you can achieve the life and the goals that you want.
Get clear on it and make it happen, go on you can do it!
All the best
Christian Baker
Mindset Coach
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